Kind Words from Incredible Women Entrepreneurs

Before working with Kristin, I was feeling a bit lost on how to bring my vision of my purpose into a cohesive business format where I could navigate the murky waters of marketing with ease. Kristin’s excellent combined business and coaching skills showed me how to get clarity, how to stay focused, and how to stay true to my vision. The Branding Archetypes we worked with were not only right on, but gave me a sense of excitement, motivation and fun to start working on this part of my business that I was dreading, petrified of, and had a lot of negative thoughts and feelings about. With my new mindset of how much fun and simple this could be, I have been able to implement a few of my offerings and am working on more.

Kristin shows kindness, compassion, strength, and transparency and vulnerability using herself as an example. There's no limit to her enthusiasm. She lights a fire of inspiration and passion. I felt safe with her. When you're learning a new skill there's a tendency to be really hard on yourself. She takes that off the table.
Kristin is open-minded. She's very organized. Her materials are awesome. They walk you right through it. She celebrates the wins. She'll push you a little bit too. She's there to hold you up a little bit and be like, okay, let's expand a little bit more. What's the worst that could happen? She deals with all your possible challenges, the emotional, spiritual, and intellectual. She's present and accessible if you need her.

Melissa Bower
Kristin is kind-hearted. She's very genuine. She is always compassionate, but motivating. She helps you feel the same way. She has all these qualities and she's so supportive, communicative, and very insightful.

Vicky Cwiertnie
Kristin is literally the best in the business. She's very non-judgmental. She doesn't judge anything you say so you can be completely honest with her. I think she's very compassionate but also direct, which I appreciate.It's important because what I'm paying her for is what I want to learn. I don't want her to just pacify me and be like, "Oh, yeah, you're doing great." I really want the feedback and she will stop you right in the middle of a sentence and be like, "Hold on." But she says it in a way that I just value. I value the input and that's why I'm working with her.

Season Lee
The coaching has just been pretty profound.
Kristin is extremely careful to make sure that the person that she is coaching understands fully what she is saying. She will give countless examples if you need them. She will break it down to a point where you're absolutely able to understand what she is saying. It's not an experience like she'll just throw a bunch of information at you or say, "Well, this is what I tell everybody else and it has to work for you too." She doesn't put you into some formula that works for everybody. She gets to know the person. She's very good at listening between the lines as to what that specific person needs. You don't even have to be able to explain it with your words. She is a very strong intuitive so you have that going for you. Her openness and vulnerability in being willing to share her stories of experience around the been there done that stuff is incredible and so helpful. Those things have really been valuable to my experience in her coaching personally.
She has had a drastic impact not only on my upcoming professional life but in every way. I've applied the things that we've talked about to parenting, relationships within my family, and just in every way.

Callan Wolf
I needed someone to get to the heart of the issues, and for me, they were the less tangible type things like the mental, emotional, and psychological barriers to business which are very valid.
She was willing to work with me in a way that made sense for me, making sure I was comfortable with what she was offering and the timeline. She’s able to be flexible and adapt to my needs and that’s something that's really important. I'm not looking to fit into someone else's program. I'm looking for someone to understand me and what's motivating me in my life and business.

Melissa Goodwin
My business grew organically, when I wasn’t really expecting to become an entrepreneur. Consequently, I had NO IDEA where to begin or what to do. Kristin gave me the nuts and bolts I needed to create a business out of thin air. She lovingly taught me how to find my niche. She walked me through the process to create a system that was repeatable and saved me from reinventing the wheel with every client. She helped me define my services and refine my offerings so that each and every client gets the best of me.
And while it’s great to have the nuts and bolts, you need the tools to put them together, too. Kristin helped me identify and push back the roadblocks that held me back. She gently points out when I fall back into old patterns and encourages new ideas and new growth. Kristin’s wisdom, guidance, knowledge, and support have opened possibilities for me I would never have dreamed for myself.

Kim Sauer
A lot of times when you work with people, they take a while to get up to speed on you and your business. I didn't have that with Kristin. She jumped right in, took me, and took off running. She understood a lot about the business, so I didn't have to slow down or catch her up. She seemed to understand what I was talking about, how I felt, and how that was showing up in my business. Because let's face it, your businesses are a reflection of you. A lot of it is your personal stuff and what's going on. It was a natural flow and it was very easy to work with her.
When I think about a business, I think about the hard aspects of it, but that's what's so refreshing about her. She has more of the softer side, but she's so brilliant and so smart and can pick up on the qualities that you need intuitively. That's exactly what I needed. I didn't need someone who was going to only look at our financials and then tell me what to do. That would not have been a good fit for me.