Here in Heart2Heart with Animals, learn to connect with your own animals, grow your abilities and confidence as an animal communicator, find community with others who share your deep love and appreciation for animals… and take giant steps in creating a joy-filled life in connection and partnership with animals.

You will be overjoyed with the learning opportunities, experiences, love, support and community available here at Heart2Heart with Animals.

I am so happy you are here… Come on in!

Private Sessions with Kristin
Animal Communication
Certification Training Program
Be Part of the Community -
Join the Cafe!


I love animals and people. It is my joy to assist people and animals in understanding each other more deeply, because when this happens… everything gets better.

I have always been strongly connected with animals, and have felt their feelings, thoughts, happiness, pains… in very real and deep ways.

Many years ago, I had an incredible desire to understand and know my horse Woody on a deeper level, to know for sure his purpose in my life, and to help him be as happy as I could, since he brought me so much joy. He enlightened me about how I was to bring my blessing to the world and what I was to do with my life… to bring people and animals closer in relationship, with more understanding, love, hope, happiness and healing.

I have had many beautiful human and animal teachers along this journey, and have followed my own path to being an Animal Communicator and Teacher. I am so grateful to all of the beings who have taught me so much, and who guide me every day on this ever continuing journey.

The work that I do through private consultations, teaching, coaching and mentoring brings me an incredible sense of completeness and living my purpose. I love being able to give back to the wonderful Universe by serving animals and people in my work. It is the best thing I do.

I will love to get to know you and your animal friends.

I will love to assist you and your animals in understanding each other more deeply.

I will love to support you in following your passion to communicate with animals.

Let’s get started…

Heart 2 Heart with Animals ® and Kristin Hadley is an educational and service platform dedicated to enhancing the lives of animal companions and their people.

This vision is offered through courses, teleclasses, online training opportunities and private personal consultations.


Kristin Hadley
PO Box 158
Olcott, NY 14126



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